Venue: Salem 1B clear filter
Tuesday, June 10

10:45am EDT

Launch The Year with Student Leadership
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Do you want to help your students become the leaders they were made to be?  Join Stuart and KeJuan, from Appointed to Lead, to explore two leadership development activities perfect for launching the school year in any course.  These collaborative challenges will help inspire students to believe they can lead and equip them to lead effectively.  Additionally, we will explore a research based leadership framework you can use to support student leadership development throughout the year.
avatar for Stuart Gordon

Stuart Gordon

Founder, Appointed to Lead
After 10 years in the classroom, Stuart founded Appointed to Lead motivated by a passion for providing high quality leadership development instruction to high school students. Appointed to Lead seeks to help every student become the leader they were made to be by inspiring, equipping... Read More →

KeJuan Weaver

Southwest Regional Director, Appointed to Lead
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Salem 1B

1:15pm EDT

From OWL CON to OWL FEST: How CECHS Integrates Durable Skills
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Craven Early College High School is committed to developing self-directed lifelong learners who can thrive in the classroom, workplace, and beyond.  Attend this session to find out how we embed targeted experiential learning activities within our school day and leverage community partnerships throughout our school year so that students consistently deepen their command of the Portrait of a Graduate Competencies.
avatar for Dr. Marlow Artis

Dr. Marlow Artis

Principal, Craven Early College High School
Dr. Marlow Artis is the proud principal of Craven Early College High School. He also works to elevate teacher voice in North Carolina as the Creator and Executive Producer for the multifaceted educational platform, Tar Heel Teachers. There are several synergetic components of Tar... Read More →
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Salem 1B
Wednesday, June 11

10:00am EDT

Using an Instructional Framework to Anchor School Improvement LIMITED
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
During this interactive session, participants will explore and consider an instructional framework and associated teaching practices to intentionally engage students in reading, writing, listening, thinking, and discourse for overall school improvement.  By the end of the session participants will have access to the elements of a sound instructional framework and ancillary resources, insight on the impact of school improvement, and the support of peers for ongoing networking, implementation, and adaptation.
avatar for Todd Campbell

Todd Campbell

Instructional Coach, RTI International
Todd Campbell has more than fifteen years of professional experience in K-12 education, working with teachers and administrators to build the essential knowledge and skill sets required to challenge and support students. As an expert in professional learning, he leads the customized... Read More →

Amelia Massengill-McLeod

Education Consultant, RTI International
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Salem 1B
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