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Tuesday, June 10

10:45am EDT

How to Reduce Financial Aid Confusion So Your Students Can Go To College LIMITED
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Research continues to show that students/families find financial aid confusing, and it's a barrier to college.  In this session we'll look at NCSEAA research findings to explore how to communicate in a way that reduces confusion so that students can access the funds they qualify for.
avatar for Kathy Hastings

Kathy Hastings

Director of Outreach and Communications, North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority
Kathy Hastings is the Director for Outreach and Communications with the North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority. In this role she helps mobilize partners around FAFSA completion and provides training and technical assistance to education stakeholders who are supporting... Read More →
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Winston 1A

10:45am EDT

Preparing NYC Public School Students for Careers: From College Now to Career-Connected Learning LIMITED
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
From College Now (40+ years old) to Future Ready NYC (3 years old), New York City Public Schools - in collaboration with a multitude of college partners - has created transformative opportunities for students to have access not only to post-secondary education in high school but also a number of ways to deeply explore career interests.  This session will showcase how the Office of Student Pathways works to support over 500 middle and high schools to ensure all students are prepared for a of post-secondary options.

Raisa Schwanbeck

Director, High School Innovation, New York City Public Schools

Aneal Helms

Senior Director, High School Innovation, New York City Public Schools
Tuesday June 10, 2025 10:45am - 11:45am EDT
Winston 3B

1:15pm EDT

Challenging Concepts of the 'Most Capable': Rethinking Selection Criteria for Early College LIMITED
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
This session will encourage educators to rethink traditional selection criteria for early college high school admissions, broadening definitions of student potential.  We will critically examine how reliance on narrow indicators like test scores and GPA may perpetuate inequities and overlook students with diverse strengths.  Participants will explore alternative, holistic models that incorporate socio-emotional skills, creativity, resilience, and passion for learning.  The session will highlight how such approaches can increase access to early college programs for underrepresented or marginalized students, fostering more equitable opportunities for all.

Connie Bracewell

Teacher, Duplin Early College High School

Felicia Beddingfield

Teacher, Duplin Early College High School
I am a second-year BT as a Secondary Social Studies Teacher.  In 2010, I began as a substitute teacher, and in October 2011, I was hired full-time as an Instructional Assistant. Currently, I teach Civics and Economics (The Founding Principles of the United States of America and North... Read More →
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Winston 1B

1:15pm EDT

Early College on the Transcript: Representation, Perception, and Impact LIMITED
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
This interactive workshop will explore the impact of Early College courses on high school transcripts and their implications for college admissions.  Participants will discuss how these courses are graded, listed on transcripts, and the role of high school profiles in communicating Early College experiences. Key questions include:  How do colleges view these courses in admissions?  What challenges arise in GPA calculations? How can schools ensure accurate representation?  Participants will leave with a deeper understanding of how transcript practices influence student opportunities.
avatar for Amie Capodanno

Amie Capodanno

Early College Program Manager, Waltham High School
I am working as  Waltham’s Early College Program Manager, taking on their 3rd year of designation. I support the teachers and students as we build a college-going culture within our walls.  Previously, I was at Salem High School for five years, and I had the opportunity to gain... Read More →
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Winston 3A

1:15pm EDT

Using Early College to Build Post-Secondary Success LIMITED
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
This workshop will focus  on key Designation criteria used to determine MA Early College (EC)  Designation, with a focus on how the criteria were developed to diminish equity disparities in college enrollment, persistence, and degree completion in MA.  Learn more on how MA EC Designated programs are centered on five guiding principles (Equitable Access, Guided Academic Pathways, Enhanced Student Supports, Connections to Career, and Effective Partnerships) and how student participants receive enhanced academic and guidance support prior to beginning, and during, college coursework, as well as additional "college knowledge" to ensure that they not successfully complete college coursework in high school but thrive in the college environment.


Danielle Wheeler

Director, MA Early College Programs, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Chinna Mapp

MA Early College Program Manager, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Winston 3C
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