Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
This session will present findings from comprehensive analyses on the Early College High School model, highlighting extracurricular participation and academic rigor outcomes.  Using data from a longitudinal study conducted by SERVE Center at UNC-G, RTI International, and RAND, we will explore the unique impacts of ECHS programs on students' extracurricular engagement, classroom experiences, and homework.  Participants will engage with the research findings through interactive discussions.  These discussions will focus on understanding the differences between early colleges and traditional high school in these areas and the implications for program implementation and equity.
avatar for Dr. Elizabeth Glennie

Dr. Elizabeth Glennie

Senior Education Research Analyst, RTI International
Hi,I look forward to meeting you at the Early College Summit!Most of my research focuses on the educational progress of adolescents as they prepare for college. I am passionate about studying educational programs that help create opportunities for teens as they move into adulthood... Read More →

Marieke Visser

Quantitative Research Specialist, SERVE Center - UNC Greensboro
Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Winston 3B

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