Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
This workshop will focus  on key Designation criteria used to determine MA Early College (EC)  Designation, with a focus on how the criteria were developed to diminish equity disparities in college enrollment, persistence, and degree completion in MA.  Learn more on how MA EC Designated programs are centered on five guiding principles (Equitable Access, Guided Academic Pathways, Enhanced Student Supports, Connections to Career, and Effective Partnerships) and how student participants receive enhanced academic and guidance support prior to beginning, and during, college coursework, as well as additional "college knowledge" to ensure that they not successfully complete college coursework in high school but thrive in the college environment.


Danielle Wheeler

Director, MA Early College Programs, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Chinna Mapp

MA Early College Program Manager, MA Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Tuesday June 10, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm EDT
Winston 3C

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