Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Indiana’s Rural Early College Network (RECN) of 20 rural HS's have been networked by CELL to implement Early College programs.  Using a variety of structures such as full Network meetings, Quads of mentor-partner schools, coaching, and role-alike convenings, RECN has met its goals with all schools now accredited as EC HS's.  Participants will use Padlet during the presentation and meet in small groups to experience the Problems of Practice protocol used in RECN meetings.  CELL will share the many lessons learned and how we have spun off two new programs and adopted practices from RECN in our other initiatives.

avatar for Krista Hensley

Krista Hensley

Early College Coordinator, Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning
avatar for Janet Boyle

Janet Boyle

Director of Rural Early College Network, Center of Excellence in Leadership of Learning
Janet serves as the director of the Rural Early College Network (RECN) at CELL. RECN is a federal EIR grant project that involves 20 rural Indiana high schools that are implementing the Early College model. Prior to this role, Janet served as CELL’s Director of Early College, Assistant... Read More →
Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Winston 3C

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