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Wednesday, June 11

10:00am EDT

Connected Campus: Building Bridges Through Relationships
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Engage in activities and discussions focused on fostering relationships and creating a positive school culture. Participants will explore effective techniques for creating dynamic relationships among stakeholders, share best practices, and practice strategies that will lead to a positive school culture.  Leave with practical tools and insights to enhance your educational environment and build stronger connections within your school community.  Let's work together to create a brighter future for our students!

Dr. Glasher Robinson

Principal, Hertford County Early College High School

Pamela Scott

English Teacher, Hertford County Early College High School

Melanie Vann

Counselor, Hertford County Early College High School
I am Melanie Vann, a native of Northampton County and I live in the area with my husband and two daughters.  I attended East Carolina University and received a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education in 2002.  I taught for 5 1/2 years before transitioning into a school... Read More →

Michael Kinkead

Instructional Technology Facilitator, Hertford County Early College High School
avatar for Kenyetta Ward

Kenyetta Ward

Science Teacher, Hertford County Early College High School
Wednesday June 11, 2025 10:00am - 11:30am EDT
Salem 1A

12:45pm EDT

Empowering Students to Collaborate Effectively LIMITED
Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
At Montgomery County Early College we provide a unique structure to guide students in the process of forming their own peer groups and managing time.  Most early college students struggle with time management so join us for some helpful strategies to support students in bridging their ability to set clear goals, improve motivation, and increase accountability for successfully collaborating and communicating.  We believe that by teaching students these tools they will be more successful as they navigate a bright future.
avatar for Kymberlie Hare

Kymberlie Hare

Mathematics Teacher, Montgomery County Early College
avatar for Dr. Heather Seawell

Dr. Heather Seawell

Principal, Montgomery County Early College
Wednesday June 11, 2025 12:45pm - 1:45pm EDT
Salem 1A
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